

I usually go running several times a week. I have done severalhalf marathons, and I attend parkrun most Saturdays, either to run or to volunteer. I’ve volunteered at several running events in London, including the London Marathon, and I try to volunteer at Junior Parkrun whenever I can.


Board games

I love playing board games. My favourite games are Space Alert and Gloomhaven. I’m generally up for giving most games a shot, but tend to enjoy cooperative games the most, despite having been told I’m very competitive. I also play quite a few tabletop role-playing games (including but not limited to D&D).



I enjoy travelling and try to combine it with couchsurfing whenever possible. so far I’ve lived in Germany, Argentina, Scotland, New Zealand and England, and have travelled to 24 more countries.


I enjoy listening to podcasts. I have appeared in a couple of episodes of the Campaign Trail, and my music was featured on Welcome to Night Vale.